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The Family of Blood
Tue 05/06/2007 10:00 AM



Last night I watched the Doctor Who episode Family of Blood. It´s the second half of a two-parter (first ep is called Human Nature).

It´s an incredible story - with the Doctor turning himself into a Human for most of it. With no memory of being a Time Lord, he is just John Smith - a school teacher in England before World War 1.

The story is very good - with very well done bad guys (that are pretty creepy for Dr Who) and a fantastic ending.

In the end - we get to see a far darker side of the Doctor than we usually see.

More like the Chris Eccelstone doctor - but not even he went this dark. And it was fantastic.

Hopefully the series will have more episodes like this, instead of the now predictible "Lets make the Doctor fall in love with someone again".

Although - there was a fair share of romance in this two-parter as well - but it wasnt really the Doctor, it was John Smith. And that made it all the more entertaining.

But alas - those of you who have to wait for it to come on ABC in Australia probably have a while to wait before you can see this episode.

But I think it´s by far the best from this season.

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You want to sell WHAT?
Mon 04/06/2007 10:00 AM

At work, we´ve pretty much finished replacing all our old CRT monitors with flatscreens. So we have had CRTs comming out our ears. A while ago they sold a heap (before I came) but now there are heaps again - so we sent out another email yesterday offering "$10 for 15" CRT screens and $20 for 17" CRT screens". Not a bad price if you want one.

Anyway - we got one or two replies from people saying they´d take one. But the most replies were from people asking what on earth a CRT is.

And then we had to work out how you´d explain to someone who isnt techy at all - what you meant by a CRT.

The only sort of ways to describe it we could think of were things like
  • The old sort
  • The chunky ones
  • The fat ones
  • Not flat-screens

So in the end my boss sent out a clarrification saying "P.S. A CRT is the heavy conventional (old) style monitor - Not a flat screen.
P.P.S. It stands for Cathode Ray Tube."

I just thought it was funny how many people didnt know what a CRT was.


^ For those that dont know - THAT´s a CRT style Monitor.

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Sun 03/06/2007 10:00 AM

Oh Bother!

Internode have just increased the cost of my adsl plan by $15 a month.

Thats sucks.

And if I use more than 3G of shapped data, I might get charged for it too.

At least my plan is pretty much right though - I´ve only gone over once, and that was only a day or so before it ticked over again.

And in other news - PHP Freaks is down - with PHP errors!

For those who dont know, www.phpfreaks.com is a very popular website for PHP developers. Its one place I got when I need help. But at the moment something has gone screwy with their database link - and the page is full of php errors.

One of the respected PHP website has crashed PHP. Sweet eh!

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Laser Skirmish
Wed 30/05/2007 10:00 AM


Well - on the weekend we went down to Hobart to play Laser Skirmish.

Thanks to a large number of drop-outs (and people who couldnt be bothered travelling from the other side of the world) we only ended up with 13 people or so - but that wasnt too bad.

But someone had the idea of playing Launceston VS Hobart - which although fun, would have meant that it was 4 against 9. So General John and myself allied with Hobart.

So along with TurkeyBrain and his friends - Hobart was only one person short. But that´s ok - we got an extra hit point each because of it.

For the first match - Hobart went down badly. We killed 9 people - but the Launcestonians killed 20 of us (each person can be killed more than once).

I think I died twice that time.

The second match was a base assault - and Hobart was given the task of defending.

Now I wont say it was a landslide - but Hobart won.

So it was one to one.

And then the roles were reversed, and Hobart had to storm Launceston´s base.

General John and I worked in tandom, and we went in deep, swung around behind the base, and crept up from the rear. Snipers from behind.

To determine who wins the base assault, a score is taken by determining how many ´alive´ players are within 5 feet of the flag when the time runs out. Well, John and I managed to get outselves right under the flag. Unfourtuantly I was killed in the final seconds by Slim Jim (Launceston´s remaining player) but he was outsize the zone, and John garenteed our win (he also killed Slim). We still had another live player outside the zone - so we were the winners of that match too.

So Hobart beat Launceston. Normally I would be too thrilled out that - but as it was technically Hobart and Allies (Devonport and Bishopsbourne) then I guess thats ok.

And to round the day off, we went and watched Pirates III. My sister even brought her jar of dirt. I would have taken a photo - but I figured the cinema people might have thought I was trying to pirate the movie - so I left the camera in the car.

Oh yeah - and the next day was my Birthday. Which is partially the reason we did all that cool stuff the day before.


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Mon 21/05/2007 10:00 AM


I finally got around to banking my second check from Google. Another US$100 for my bank account - not bad for a little website like this.

And in other news, I replaced the tyres on my Subaru. The old ones were getting a little long in the tooth, and one got a puncture. I couldnt be bothered taking the tyre to be repaired, so I replaced the lot.

I´m now running on Pirelli tyres - which sounds pretty cool I think. Now that I´ve typed it, I dont think the word pirelli looks as cool as it sounds.

Sadly, I think it cost a little more than repairing the puncture would have done.


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