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The Family of Blood

Author: jawapro
Date: Tue 05/06/2007 10:00 AM



Last night I watched the Doctor Who episode Family of Blood. It´s the second half of a two-parter (first ep is called Human Nature).

It´s an incredible story - with the Doctor turning himself into a Human for most of it. With no memory of being a Time Lord, he is just John Smith - a school teacher in England before World War 1.

The story is very good - with very well done bad guys (that are pretty creepy for Dr Who) and a fantastic ending.

In the end - we get to see a far darker side of the Doctor than we usually see.

More like the Chris Eccelstone doctor - but not even he went this dark. And it was fantastic.

Hopefully the series will have more episodes like this, instead of the now predictible "Lets make the Doctor fall in love with someone again".

Although - there was a fair share of romance in this two-parter as well - but it wasnt really the Doctor, it was John Smith. And that made it all the more entertaining.

But alas - those of you who have to wait for it to come on ABC in Australia probably have a while to wait before you can see this episode.

But I think it´s by far the best from this season.

Comments: 4


Comment: 1

Author: turkeybrain
Date: Tue 05/06/2007 02:45 AM

I need to watch that. I should have today, but I decided to watch an NCIS episode instead. The first one was a ripper alright, I just want to know whats going to happen next. But don´t spoil the plot! Now where´s that hdd gone?



Comment: 2

Author: turkeybrain
Date: Tue 05/06/2007 03:50 AM

Yeah, they did a good job of it... I certainly recommend seeing it!



Comment: 3

Author: jawapro
Date: Wed 06/06/2007 02:58 AM

Thats slightly less enthusiastic than I expected. This episode had some of the best acting we´ve seen on the revived Doctor Who (especially Baines, the bad guy). It had a great story. Largely thanks to the novel it was based on (which originally had the 7th doctor). And the final sequence - especially the part with the voice-over and the Doctor dealing out punishment. Its a side of the doctor that we dont get to see very often. If only every episode was this good.



Comment: 4

Author: turkeybrain
Date: Wed 06/06/2007 04:10 AM

Yeah, I do have to agree. Bains was brilliant. That face, that sniff, that look. Spectacular. And the ending really did make you wonder if the Doctor was actually hidden away, that we never see. I wonder what his real personality is like now...