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Command and Conquer Novel
Thu 18/10/2007 09:36 PM



How come I hadnt heard about this?

I was walking through Birchalls the other day, looking at their Star Wars books - and I happened to see this out the corner of my eye.

It's a novelization of the latest C&C game. Tiberium Wars.

Now, Tib Wars might not be the greatest game in the series, but even so....

I've been wanting to read (and occasionally thought about writting) novels set in the C&C universe - so I was very excited about this. I even rang Klutz up on my mobile and spent $6 telling him about it (especially unusual as I dont ring people on my mobile much at all).

So now I just have to wait until I've finished rereading Prey (great book that) before starting this one. I'll let you know if it's any good or not. Cost me $20, so I hope it's not too lame.

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Uni Animation (again)
Thu 18/10/2007 07:48 AM




Well – I finally took some time off work – just cause I wanted to.


I took half a day off because I was sick once, once because I had a funeral to go to, and once cause I’d worked all evening (and needed all the time I could get to make my lego movie).


But this was the first time I’d just asked for time off without a real reason.


Well, I had a reason – but it wasn’t all that much of a reason.


I took the arvo off and went to Launceston to watch the Annual Animation Movie Show. After spending WEEKS on my animation last year (http://www.jawapro.com/graphicsgallery.php) I wanted to see what this year’s crop of movies was like. Personally I think they weren’t quite up to the standard – although there were a few stand-outs.


And I caught up with a lot of people I knew from Uni last year. Was rather weird walking around Uni again though.


And if that wasn’t enough memories – I went and had Charcoal Chicken chips for tea (they do the nicest chips and gravy in Launceston) and went and ate it by the carpark near TAFE. When I went to TAFE we often decided to do a ‘chip run’ and go shares in large containers of chips from Charcoal Chicken.


And I discovered a very exciting book in Birchalls too – but that’ll have to wait for another post…

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Lego Movie Finished!
Thu 11/10/2007 09:34 PM


Finally - my lego movies are finished and have been approved by Microsoft.

I was hoping that Woody (TweakLab) would be able to provide music for this videos - same as he did for my Computer Graphics and Animation one (The Defence of Rimble). But alas, he was too busy - so its got my sped up singing instead.

I'm uploading the vides to Youtube as I type this - but you can see them right here on this site http://www.headlessmoron.com/lego/

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I've wanted these for years
Tue 09/10/2007 09:42 PM


I may have been complaining about ebay in my last post - but their bad marketing dosnt mean that it isnt a very usefull place to shop.

My latest addition - well - it's not in that photo, but thats cause I havent unpacked it yet.

My second newest addition is the Lego Soldier's Tavern. (the one on the right)

That, along with Sabre Island (the one on the left) are two sets that I've been wanting for years and years and years. I used to cart the lego catalouges around everywhere and dream about these (among others).

And now, thanks to ebay - I'm the proud owner of both of these classic Pirate lego sets.

Dosnt take much to make a nerd happy....

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I think I'm offended
Tue 09/10/2007 07:08 PM


Ebay Australia has started a new campaign to train the brainless masses how to stop being caught in scammers webs. Just simple things like "Use a good password", "Use a recent browser", and "dont give your identity away".

You can see the videos here http://pages.ebay.com.au/protectyourself/. They are supposed to be amuzing - because the 'heroes' of the videos are classic 'bad guys' from Dracula to Ned Kelly to a parking inspector.

All rather simple - but a good idea. And I'd appreciate it - except for one thing.

In one of the banner ads (shown here) a scammer makes an appearance using a laptop.

But why go to the trouble of pointing out that it's a Linux machine?

As a Linux fan myself - I think that's rather insulting.

Are they saying that all scammers using Linux? Or that Linux users are a bad lot? Or what?

It may well be that most scammers do use Linux - because it's more powerfull - but I'm sure that not all do. And why go to the trouble of including the Linux penguin anyway? The ad would have been just as good without it.

And instead of being a clever way of sending out helpfull anti-scam messages - it's just ended up making me annoyed. Not the smartest marketing approach there ebay...

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