Oscar up the Gog

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Back to the Cape

Author: jawapro
Date: Mon 03/12/2012 10:52 PM


Another weekend - another camping trip. I could get used to this!

It’s the Devonport Show weekend again - so it’s time for the 4wd club to head down to Sandy Cape on the rugged West Coast.

Unlike last year when I was stuck in Melbourne, I managed to get the long weekend off - and even extended it by a day!

Chris in the mighty Maverick and myself in Oscar the Pajero packed up and joined the convoy down on Thursday.


Oscar was pretty well packed!


The weather was pretty awesome for the most part. Drizzled a couple of times and the wind changed direction which changed the challenges of beach driving etc - but it was an absolutely awesome weekend.


We met up with some Parks and Wildlife fellas who lead a trip down the Interview River (you aren’t allowed down there without special permits anymore) to do a rubbish collection. I was very glad to get Oscar down there - might be the last time if Parks close it entirely.

We had a great run down and back - and picked up quite a bit of the flotsam that had washed up onto the beach.


The Interview river. You can cross this river and continue down to the top of the Pieman Heads (well you could, but you’re not allowed to anymore). The way the sea was rolling up the river today, there was no chance of getting across even if you wanted to.


Oscar at the end of the trip. He’s been beach-combing a bit, picking up rubbish on the way home.

He stood up pretty well - the hand brake has given up entirely, he stalled a couple of times in puddles (still diagnosing that), got bogged once when I diffed up, and lost his rear tow-hitch.

Oh yeah - and I almost killed Chris (literally) on the way back out - but that story’s worthy of its own post.

Comments: 1


Comment: 1

Author: DarthOblivion
Date: Tue 04/12/2012 01:50 AM

Well, I headed north - very far north, as a matter of fact. Greetings from France!
 Good to hear that Oscar's back in action.