Oscar up the Gog

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Suitcase Repairs

Author: jawapro
Date: Sun 01/07/2012 01:20 PM


When preparing for our trip to Queensland, I decided to tackle repairing my suitcase. I didn't end up taking it on that trip - but it's still better to have it useful.

This suitcase went all around Europe with me, and on many trips since. But somewhere along the way, one of the wheels got jammed. As it wouldn't spin, it just wore down. Talk about a flat spot!

So I decided it needed a new set of wheels - and of course, I went for the full mud terrain option.

In the second photo you can see the remains of the original wheel, as well as the replacement.


Comments: 2


Comment: 1

Author: DarthOblivion
Date: Mon 02/07/2012 08:25 PM

This should make Brickvention a bit easier next time round...



Comment: 2

Author: jawapro
Date: Mon 02/07/2012 11:04 PM

Exactly my thoughts when I did it!