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John Carter of Mars

Author: jawapro
Date: Fri 16/03/2012 08:45 AM


A mate invited me to go and see John Carter on Tuesday, and I must say, I really enjoyed it!

It’s a very old-school Sci-Fi, which makes sense when you realise the book was written 100 years ago. This is the first time it’s been made as a movie, and I’ve never read the book - but somehow it all felt familiar - in a good way.

Some Sci-Fi movies ‘play by the rules’ while some set out to break them. John Carter feels like it plays by the rules - but an old ruleset that we haven’t seen in a long time. It’s oldschool from it’s setting on earth, to the civilizations on Mars, and the idea of rescuing a princess in distress. And it just works!

A lot of reviewers didn’t seem to like it, but I thouroughly enjoyed watching a movie that wasn’t trying to be different to everything we’ve seen before, but instead revels in it’s old-schoolness. And as odd as it initially seems - it makes sense as a Disney movie too.

Is it an odd movie? Certainly. But I for one enjoyed it.

http://youtu.be/6Rf55GTEZ_E - trailer

Comments: 1


Comment: 1

Author: DarthOblivion
Date: Sat 17/03/2012 09:09 AM

Sounds a bit like Captain America - reverting back to I suppose a feel-good comic book.