Oscar up the Gog

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Meet Kaylee

Author: jawapro
Date: Fri 04/11/2011 12:08 AM


Congrats to Turkeybrain on the new addition to his family! Meet Kaylee, the series 1 Landrover.

Ok, so they aren’t Patrols, but they are extremely awesome non the less.

Kaylee is a short wheelbase series 1 with a rare factory hardtop. It’s till got the original engine, but he’s not yet sure if it’s a runner.

His other Landy is a series 2 long wheelbase known as Serenity.

Turkey’s from Hobart, but Serenity was found in Launceston and taken down in the first Statewide Shuffle. Quite an epic adventure.

Kaylee on the other hand, was rescued from scrap merchants who happened to move into the block next door. Yep, Turkey found Kaylee simply by looking over his fence! Talk about convenient, and he got her for a ripper price too.

Not only that - but he managed to off-load the carcass of an old car he no longer wanted at the same time - so win win win!

His ideal Landy collection was a long wheelbase Series 2 and a short Series 1 - so it's perfect. Don't you just love it when everything falls into place!

I can’t wait to get down to Hobart to meet Kaylee in the flesh. Or metal, or whatever.

Comments: 4


Comment: 1

Author: turkeybrain
Date: Fri 04/11/2011 12:45 AM

It's been a good day! I've gotten rid of a piece of junk and swapped for something FAR better.

I won't be cranking it over until I've pulled the sump off. The oil looks clean, but it's probably just settled and pulling the gunge through the engine could be catastrophic. It's been a long time since it was last fired up, the fuel in it is very stale from the smell.

Dad jokingly suggested I should get a Series 3 to complete the set, but I'm not so interested at this point in time. One never knows in the future. 2 is enough for now.

Some more photos are can be found here: http://www.turkeybrain.com/gallery/index.php?sfpg=S2F5bGVlLyoqZTVhZTE2YTEzOTgyMzgzOWY5MzRhOWU3ODQ0YThhNjA



Comment: 2

Author: DarthOblivion
Date: Fri 04/11/2011 05:21 PM

To be honest, Kaylee looks a little funnily-proportioned...



Comment: 3

Author: G60michael
Date: Sun 06/11/2011 01:38 PM

Great Score Turkeybrain . it would be close to 5 Years ago my Uncle Had 2 SWB Landies and one was in Great Condition and the other was nothing other that a bit of old junk just deteriation away in a Forest of Bracken Fern and other shrubs when his boarder Collie started sniffing out the landie (in the Bush) while moments later she plunged into the landie through the back doors and literally ripped through the dashboard attacking a Brown Snake,thankfully that the Snake was killed,but sadly and unfortunately She was bitten during the process and passed away an hour or so later.

It great to hear that you only looked over the fence and found your pride and joy,but im definately not a landy Fan and even my uncle Agreed that they snap alot of axles and they leak oil like a sive and are dangerous on the highway,but each to there own. Personally (also read and reasearched) believe that a old series Landie will never ever even be Close to a G60 patrol in terms of Strength,Reliability and offroad capability, but none of these old ones die easy,you ought to hold onto these babies as they will deliver you plenty of good fun,all the best with the old landies and carnt wait to see them all done up.



Comment: 4

Author: jawapro
Date: Mon 07/11/2011 09:48 AM

G'day Michael - and welcome to my website.

As you know - a G60 Patrol is my weapon of choice too - but I have a great deal of respect for these old Landies. It's amazing the places these got to. One of their main advantages over the Patrols is that they are far lighter. In mud or sand this means they can glide over stuff that the G60s will get dragged down into.

Also, don't forget that Kaylee predates G60s. Serenity is from the 1960s, which is earlier than most G60s in Australia (they did come in the 60s, but seem to have been more popular in the 70s here).

Plus - it's simply more fun if we don't all have the same vehicle.