Happy New Year!Author: jawapro
Date: Thu 01/01/2009 08:09 PM
Well - it's another year. That still hasn't sunk in. Got to get used to writing '09' now.
Another thing that hasn't sunk in is that we're leaving for Europe in just over 2 weeks time!
It still doesnt feel real. Still got heaps to organize.
Anyway - Pinch and a Punch and all that.
Mum, Dad, and Emma have left my place now. The grand plan to paint the roof was hampered by the wind, which threatened to blow Dad off the roof.
He did manage to clean and treat the rusty parts - so it's ready to paint now.
And for those who know that I'm not good with heights, no I didn't actually get on the roof. The preperation was a one-man job (we didn't have the stuff for two people to do it at once) but I was planning to get up there when we started painting, it just didn't happen yet. I'll be up there when it's time to paint. As long as someone else can paint the high end of the house. Not sure I can bring myself to do that.
Even if the painting was a non-event, it was great having my family here for a few days.
We saw the New Year in watching Dad's 'By Any Means' DVD he got for Christmas and playing Star Wars Trivia Pursuit, which I won (to no-one's suprise). We paused for a while to watch the fireworks from my window (we could see most of them). Not a terribly exciting New Years - but a nice one.
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