Oscar up the Gog

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Of Monsters and Men (and Obelix)

Author: jawapro
Date: Mon 08/04/2013 11:59 PM


Another trip to Melbourne - another trip to J-B Hi-Fi (we really need to get one of those in Launceston or Devonport!). This time I picked up the awesome "Of Monsters and Men" album.

I have had a slightly less than legal copy for a while (since before they went mainstream) but loved it so much I wanted to actually own the album as well. Since I already had the MP3s and CDs are boring - I bought it on Vinyl - of course :)

 I only have a smallish Vinyl collection - but I'm quite proud of it.

And yes, I do have a turntable - two, in fact.

And Obelix? Well this fine chap came all the way from France thanks to my awesome cousin Mike/Oblivion. Thanks again mate!

Comments: 1


Comment: 1

Author: DarthOblivion
Date: Tue 09/04/2013 06:07 PM

I'm pretty sure that he's even French-made, but I could be wrong: I bought Gabs a poster while I was over there, and apparently she saw it in the National Gallery shop yesterday...