Oscar up the Gog

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X-box Repairs....

Author: jawapro
Date: Fri 27/04/2012 10:25 PM


My xbox died last year with the dreaded Red Rings of Death.

Apparently this is caused by faulty solder on the mainboard. Chris finally got bored watching re-runs of McLeod's Daughters and asked if we could have a go at fixing the xbox. So we watched some YouTube videos of other people doing the same thing and then pulled mine apart.

The video said to cook it with a heat gun - but we didn't have one, so we used a hairdryer (which I bought to dry carpets after my car went swimming). And surprisingly, it worked! We plugged it in roughly to test and it worked. Hurray!

By the time we put it back together properly three times (each time we realized we'd missed something so had to pull it apart again) and tried it again - it didn't work. Doh!

So we made it to Supercheap just before they shut and bought a proper heat gun, and repeated the whole process.

And now I've got a working Xbox again!

Not bad for a $30 tool - saves me spending $300+ on a new xbox - plus it'll be awesome next time I need to dry carpets!

Comments: 2


Comment: 1

Author: turkeybrain
Date: Sat 28/04/2012 02:31 PM

I see some scorched carpets in your future.



Comment: 2

Author: DarthOblivion
Date: Sun 29/04/2012 05:34 PM

^ This