Oscar up the Gog

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Mad-Eye the Owl...

Author: jawapro
Date: Thu 15/09/2011 04:31 PM


Chasing down the G60 (see below) wasn't the only excitment on the way home on Sunday.

Meet Mad-Eye, a Tawny Frogmouth.

For those who don't know, a Tawny Frogmouth is a type of owl, and is often thought to be ugly - but I think they look awesome.

Anyway - as we were heading over the Lakes Highway on the way home, Mad-Eye swooped at something and collided with the windscreen on Chris's car.

While we might not worry too much about the occasional possum etc, an owl is a totally different story, so we turned around and went to have a look to see if he was ok.

He was sitting on the road looking rather dazed, and Chris was able to pick him up. It didn't look like he'd suffered much real damage, other than being knocked around a bit.

I rang my sister as she is rather addicted to owls and is a Devil carer, so was the most knowledgeable and usefull person I could think of to call.

On her instruction we found a box (donated from my Lego sets) and put Mad-Eye inside. Emma said she'd meet us down the road a bit.

Chris took Mad-Eye in his car because mine was full of lego, but apparently Chris's driving scared Mad-Eye a bit and a rather nasty smell came from his box. It was bad enough that Chris had to stop and air his car for a while before continuing.

Emma met us at Deloraine and took Mad-Eye to look after him. On Monday he was moved to a proper Owl carer to be checked over before being released.

So that was the tale of how Mad-Eye the owl met Chris and his Excel.

Comments: 2


Comment: 1

Author: jawapro
Date: Thu 15/09/2011 04:33 PM

We named Mad-Eye after Mad-Eye Moody in Harry Potter, which seemed to fit we think.



Comment: 2

Author: DarthOblivion
Date: Thu 15/09/2011 05:40 PM

I'm pretty sure it didn't have a magical blue eye, so I'm guessing you named it that simply because it was a bit nuts?