Who's a fan of Lisa Mitchell?Author: jawapro
Date: Sun 16/05/2010 08:54 AM
It’s my birthday in a couple of weeks, and I got my first present yesterday. My sister said I needed it early so I could plan for it and make a decision.
Wasn’t quite sure what to make of that, but lo and behold - I got 2 tickets to the Lisa Mitchell concert in Launceston at the end of the month!
As embarrassing as it is to admit that anything good could come out of Australian Idol, I’m a big fan of Lisa Mitchell’s music. But the problem is, I’m not sure any of my friends are - so who should I take?
I could take my sister (who gave me the tickets) - but she’s not overly excited by it either. So any of you readers out there actually a closet Lisa Mitchell fan?
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