Junk Mail - Reply PaidAuthor: jawapro
Date: Tue 19/05/2009 08:16 PM
Don't you hate junk mail?
I don't hate all of it - some of the catalouges are quite good - but most of it is rubbish.
Last week I had two credit card companys offer me a card. I dont have and dont want a credit card. My debit card is good enough for me for now.
The good thing is that both letters came with reply-paid envelopes. So I'll return the favour and send them some junk mail.
Apparently they only pay for postage if it gets used - so I'm actually costing them by doing it. I don't know if thats true or an urban myth, but it's still fun sending worthless junk back.
One of the lucky credit card employees will receive an invitation to a Car Boot Sale from about a month ago and a couple of mothers day catalouges. The other will also get a couple of catalouges from a month ago, and a coupon for a free mobile phone which actually only arrived today (only valid if you joing a 24 month contract with a vendor I've never heard of).
If only I got more of these prepaid envelopes - I wouldn't have to throw all my old junk mail out in the recycling.
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