Easter 09Author: jawapro
Date: Wed 15/04/2009 10:39 PM
Hey guys - have a good Easter? I did.
We went camping. First time in yonks. Probably since the Great Geek Migration at the start of last year.
We headed West to a place called Arthur River. We actually camped about 6 ks south of Arthur River itself, but close enough.
I love the west coast of Tassie. It’s been years since I was out this way - but I love it. Might not be as popular as the East Coast - but that just improves it’s appeal to me.
Klutz decided to join us (my family) for the long weekend - so we loaded up the Maverick, my Scooby-doo, and a trailer and set out.
The camp site. The slight hill in the background is all that was between us and the beach. We had to take a slightly longer way around to get there, as there was a creek going around in front of the hill.
We gave Dad’s new surf rods a whirl - but as expected, we caught nothing.
Most of the weekend was spent relaxing, reading, and flogging everyone else at monopoly (at least, that’s how I spent it). I was still recovering from the cold/flu thing, so it was great to be able to relax.
The most energetic thing I did was decide to climb the hill between us and the beach from the beach side (to avoid the creek) and take a photo of the campsite from the top.
Turned out to be harder than I expected. What appeared to be the top of the dune from the beach wasn’t - and to reach the top we had to push our way through some thick coastal scrub.
^ Klutz following in my tracks.
^ The top of the dune.
After crossing the top of the sand dune (which was larger than expected too) we finally found a place we could see the camp.
^ Klutz looking thrilled.
^ The view from the top.
So that was my Easter. How was yours?
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