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Who Is The Best Who?

Author: LadyJane
Date: Fri 11/07/2008 11:40 AM

Okay, some of you will only know Nine and Ten as the Doctor, but I am curious to know which Who you think is best and why. Me, I really like Ten, he is just so manic, but Four is, I think, the best of the oldies. What about you?

Replies: 3


Reply: 1

Author: jawapro
Date: Fri 11/07/2008 12:08 PM

I actually liked all of them, in their own way.

Doctor 6 (Colin Baker) was my least favorite - but I didnt actually hate him like many people.

I didnt see much of number 2 (Patrick Troughton) either.

The first doctor was old and sometimes rather crabby - but pretty cool.

The third doctor was awesome. Stuck on Earth for a while - but a great doctor.

Doctor number 4 was Tom Baker - and most people's favorite. Not hard to see why, he was brilliant too.

Doctor number 5 was Tristan... umm sorry, Peter Davidson. I really liked him too.

The three 3,4,5 are the best of the old series.

Colin Baker (6) was grumpy - and not so much fun to watch.

Silvester McCoy (7) would have been a decent doctor - but was stuck with really really lame stories.

The doctor from the movie (8) was actually really good. It was the only good thing in the movie though - which sucked big time.

Chris Eccelston (9) was the first of the new doctors and wasnt bad. He did have a dark edge which I liked - but then fell in love with Rose, which I didnt.

The 10th doctor (David Tenant) is brilliant. I especially like it when he goes dark (end of Family of Blood etc). Suffers due to the fact that most of his stories were helmed by RTD.

So its sort of a toss up between 3,4,5, and 10 for me.

So I'll just go and say that the best Whovian story ever is an audio series called Dalek Empire - and the Doctor is not even in it. So I'll vote for Karlendorf instead....



Reply: 2

Author: LadyJane
Date: Tue 15/07/2008 01:57 PM

Dark10 is great 10! I agree that 3,4,5 and 10 are probably the best live action Doctors out there; but y'know, I've found that there are heaps and heaps more 8 books out there than any other Doctor. They're actually pretty good stories too...



Reply: 3

Author: EliteLtChase
Date: Sun 03/08/2008 04:27 PM

i really only like 10 atm as he is pretty much the only doctor i have seen i saw the first one to the new one but he isn't as kool and as funny as 10