Test Dude 14Author: jawapro
Date: Mon 17/12/2007 10:43 AM
Dont you hate it when you've forgotten something that was probably mildly important?
I was at work this morning, when my phone started farting (the noise it makes when sitting on a bench and vibrating).
It was an alarm I'd set. But how long ago, I have no idea.
The alarm message simply said "Test Dude 14".
Unfourtuantly the relevance of the message has completely escaped me. Who is Dude 14, and why do I have to test him?
I'm assuming it has something to do with a piece of computer code or a website or something - but I just cant remember what it's on about.
So unless I get a brainstorm or a memory jolt - Dude 14 is going to remain untested for now.
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