Oscar up the Gog

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I ran into a wall...

Author: jawapro
Date: Mon 16/04/2007 10:00 AM


I seem to have somewhat of a problem with walls.

This is the fourth time I´ve damaged a car by running into a wall - and it´s the first time in this car.

My sister ran into the back of a 4wd, my mum smashed up the front of her car hitting a wallaby, then she blew up her engine, my cousin got his car stolen, and another one ran up the backside of a BMW - but with me, it´s walls.

Twice in the work car, once in my old car, and now this time.

Why did I do it this time? Well - my unit has one of the stupidist parking spaces I´ve come accross. It´s almost like the carpark was built before one of the units. You either have to jump the curb a bit, or take about 20 turns to get in. And today when I was backing out, I must have been carrying too much speed - because I bounced over the curb and touched the wall.

It was only a light touch - but the bricks are rough, and took some paint off and left some nasty gouges.

I´ll try and paint it to make it less obvious - but I dont think I can repair it completely.

Shame - I have to remember to watch out for those pesky walls in future...


Comments: 2


Comment: 1

Author: turkeybrain
Date: Mon 16/04/2007 11:40 PM

Why is it that walls always seem to be harder than cars? They need to make paint stronger. I suggest writing a letter to the paint manufacturer complaining of their inadequate paint!



Comment: 2

Author: Nifen
Date: Wed 18/04/2007 04:52 AM

bad driving must run in the family.