Oscar up the Gog

                    www. Jawapro .com
                    A Seriously Froody Website






I Won a Prize!!!

Author: jawapro
Date: Mon 12/02/2007 11:00 AM

Well, looky here.

I won a prize. That sort of thing dosnt happen to me much - so its a big deal.

We are developing a new website for the TT-Line called www.mytassiejourney.com.au (although its not publicly accessible yet - 13/02/07). Anyway - the company had a competion for whoever could do the best ´journey´ - the prize was a hamper of gourmet Tassie food.

I ended up doing testing for the site - so I made a lot of post in my ´journey´ and ended up winning the competition (which was just a way to encourage testing anyway).

So I´ve got a heap of strange food to eat in my new unit now :)


Comments: 4


Comment: 1

Author: turkeybrain
Date: Tue 13/02/2007 05:13 AM

Tie! And you think me at school is funny! Oh yeah, congrats as well...



Comment: 2

Author: terreth
Date: Tue 13/02/2007 06:56 AM

Congrats thou mighty prize winner! I hope your winnings off set your new grocery bills -terry



Comment: 3

Author: headless_moron
Date: Tue 13/02/2007 05:13 PM

LOL - thanks Terry. Fraid it wont help much though - its all fancy stuff that I wouldnt buy anyway. And 29 - I have to wear a suit to work - hence the tie.



Comment: 4

Author: turkeybrain
Date: Tue 13/02/2007 05:43 PM

You know I had no choice but to comment on such a thing as a tie! But yes, hope you do enjoy the quality Tasmanian produce. It would be good, I imagine!